
Most days I feel like I am running on empty. Go here, go there, do this, don’t do that, pay this person, pick up this child…la di da di da. Day in, day out I feel like I’m forgetting to do something. The thing I’m mostly forgetting is to take care of me.  I think as a mom one of the biggest challenges is to worry about ourselves in the midst of taking care of all of our other responsibilities. For example, this past weekend my little man Bennett had been sick. During this time all I did was care for him; as I should. However, I forgot to worry about taking care of myself. As a result I now have a sinus infection that’s trying to turn into a upper respiratory infection. I have to take care of myself in order to take care of my family. If I’m sick or unhappy or sleep deprived then how can I take the best care of my family? I can’t.

Now that school’s out I’m going to try and focus on taking better care of myself physically and mentally. In other words I’m going to make myself my own priority. So in making myself a priority there are several things that I want to do……

-I want to read my bible on a daily basis

-I want to scrapbook: I want to keep up with Bennett’s scrapbook and try to stay current with Emma’s.

-I want to workout: It makes me feel better physically and mentally

-I want to read a book that’s not on a school syllabus

-I want to spend quality time with my children: I want to spend some one-on-one time with my daughter

-I want to date my husband again

There are so many more little things that I would like to do but listing them would take forever and bore everyone. I just kow that I need to take care of myself and make myself happy. Because as the old saying goes…if momma ain’t happy then ain’t nobody happy! It’s time for momma to spend some time on herself.

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